Friday, July 23, 2010

Trouble he will find you no matter where you go, oh oh
No matter if you're fast, no matter if you're slow, oh oh
The eye of the storm or the cry in the mourn, oh oh
You're fine for a while but you start to lose control

He's there in the dark, he's there in my heart
He waits in the wings, he's gotta play a part
Trouble is a friend, yeah trouble is a friend of mine, oh oh!

Trouble is a friend but trouble is a foe, oh oh
And no matter what I feed him he always seems to grow, oh oh
He sees what I see and he knows what I know, oh oh
So don't forget as you ease on down the road

He's there in the dark, he's there in my heart
He waits in the wings, he's gotta play a part
Trouble is a friend, yeah trouble is a friend of mine, oh oh

So don't be alarmed if he takes you by the arm
I won't let him win, but I'm a sucker for his charm
Trouble is a friend, yeah trouble is a friend of mine, oh oh!

Oh how I hate the way he makes me feel
And how I try to make him leave, I try
Oh oh, I try!

He's there in the dark, he's there in my heart
He waits in the wings, he's gotta play a part
Trouble is a friend, yeah trouble is a friend of mine, oh oh

So don't be alarmed if he takes you by the arm
I won't let him win, but I'm a sucker for his charm
Trouble is a friend, yeah trouble is a friend of mine, oh oh!
Ooo, oh ooo, ooo ahh

i love this song..
i think this song suits me..


'sy x jeles..
sy x dengki..
tp sy mrh..
knape msti mcm tu?
x boleh ke trus trg je ngn sy?
sape sy kt awk?
kwn o musuh?
sy sgt kecewa..
sy rs sy sgt bodoh ntok rase mcm tu..
hnye org bodoh je rs mcm tu ntok org yg bodoh..'

ape pndapat anda?
pernahkah anda trfikir o ade nk kluarkn ayt tu kt org?
kalo ade..
itu brmkna anda sdg memarahi dr anda krn perasaan mrh anda kat ssorg x trluah..
itu jg brmkna anda tgh kecewa akn prbuatan org..
bertawakal lah kpd Allah S.W.T ntok mncari ketenangan yg abadi..
bersama sama la kite memilih ketenangan..

hidup mesti diteruskan walaupon dipenuhi cabaran..
cabaran mengajar kita erti kedewasaan..
kebahagiaan slpas kekecewaan adalah indah..

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

baru update setelah sekian lama sunyi

ari sabtu- 29 Mei 2010

sy batuk + selesema
sgt x selesa, tmbah2 bile nk tido
tp sy kuatkan semangat jugak..

semua org tnye sy
'ok x?' 'boleh ke?'
sy sgt hepi sbb sy taw ramai yg amik taw psl sy
terima kasih semua..
sy bersemangat bila sy fikirkan korg semua..

dlm ramai2 org yg brtnyakan soalan tu pd sy..
ade sorg hamba Allah ini..
sy asek trnanti nanti msg dr die..

sy agak sedih la..
die da taw sy x sehat..nmpak kot
tp die seolah olah x peduli..
sy bkn nk attention sgt pon dr die..
cukupla sekadar 'ok ke?'

tp xpe je..
mgkin die xtaw kot..
mgkin die pon x sehat jugak..
lgpon sy xde tnye die 'sehat x?' 'ok ke?'..
jadi sy xley la nk mntak ape2 kn..

ape2 pon. sy tetap hepi n bersemangat..
krn sy ade diorg sume..

thanks frens..
XOXO (1st tyme wat XOXO)

Sunday, February 21, 2010

song that i treasure the most!

the jonas brothers..
ak ske gmbar nih..
nmpak cam SEMPOI je..
POSE yg menarik
sudut amik gmbr pon BES..

ni pon ak ske gak..
ak ske org yg pkai cemin mate itam..
hensem dan bgaye..
itam itu MENAWAN

xde komen..
(mls nk tulis da)

org yg PALING ak SUKA lam jonas brothers
Nicholas Jerry Jonas
(love is in the air)


Oh, yeah, oh, yeah

If the heart is always searching
Can you ever find a home?
I've been looking for that someone
I never make it on my own

Dreams can't take
The place of loving you
There's gotta be a million reasons
Why it's true

When you look me in the eyes
And tell me that you love me
Everything's alright
When you're right here by my side

When you look me in the eyes
I catch a glimpse of heaven
I find my paradise
When you look me in the eyes

How long will I be waiting
To be with you again?
I'm gonna tell you that I love you
In the best way that I can

I can't take a day without you here
You're the light that make my darkness disappear

When you look me in the eyes
And tell me that you love me
Everything's alright
When you're right here by my side

When you look me in the eyes
I catch a glimpse of heaven
I find my paradise
When you look me in the eyes

Movin' on, I start to realize
I can reach my tomorrow
I can hold my head up high
And it's all because you're by my side

When you look me in the eyes
And tell me that you love me
Everything's alright
When you're right here by my side

When I hold you in my arms
I know that it's forever
I just got to let you know
I never wanna let you go

'Cause when you look me in the eyes
And tell me that you love me
Everything's alright
When you're right here by my side

When you look me in the eyes
I catch a glimpse of heaven
Oh, I find my paradise
When you look me in the eyes, oh, yeah, ah

(naty ak nk blaja wat cupcake lak)

lupe lak ak nk smbung cite ntok post ak yg lpas..
sbnrnye ak da lupe nk cite pe..
da lame kot cite tuh smpai nek brkarat otak ak
kali nih ak nk cite psl yg len plak...
cite tyme ak cuti
gile mencapap ak nih..
smggu ak brcuti..
ak asek mkn tido bngun mkn
aim ak ble balik je x len x bkn nk.....
mase kat ak dok umah sempat la jgk ak blaja masak..
ade satu dua resipi yg ak mintak ngn kazen ak
kazen ak tuh laki tp....
skill masak die tahap chef 5 bntang..

Saturday, February 13, 2010

yuhuu...BALIK kg

13 feb 2010

kol 9.30 pg

bas mahligai

destinasi- kg raja

dari- putra

ni adalah bas prjalananku ntok balik kg smpena cuti Chinese New Year...
Gong Xi Fa Choi

ak kua umah kol 7.45 pg
banin yg tolong hntarkn ak g KTM..
TERIMA KASIH BANIN krn bgun pg2 nk anta TEHA..
jasa anda amat sy hargai..

smpai je ktm, kak ida tegur ak..

cam bese la..
peasn bli DODOL..


penat2 je ak kelam kabut pg2 smpai smpah pon x ingt nk buang...

tren seremban smpai kol 8.12
giler ahhh...
ak tkot x sempat je..

dah la org makin ramai..
n at last tren pon smpai..
ramai je org tp xde la cam sardin..


smpai putra kol 9.05 minit..

lega ckit..
ak bli roti n air..

lapo beb...

kol 9.25 ak nek bas..

dlm bas tu ak trnmpak satu family tuh..

family tuh dok sebelah ak jer
mak, ayah n bdk kecik sorg..
bdk tuh asek pndang ak jer.

n baru la ka tringt upe2nye family tuh ak pena jumpe dlm tren mase ak nk g mid mggu lpas..
keciknye DUNIA ni.......

camne ak xley lupe bdk tuh..

tren ari tuh sgt sesak, kalah sardin kemek...

ade la sorg bdk kecik tuh nanges..

yela, pns n sesak..
ak dok sbelah die je jd ak xnk bg die nanges ak pujuk la die
ak bg die main ak nye keychain hp..
pastu trus bdk tuh diam..

mak ayah die ok jer..


cite nih pjg lg...

naty ak smbung dlm post len...

p/s: korg rase ak ley jadik penulis x??

Thursday, February 11, 2010


hati ak x pernah puas..
perasaan ak x pernah terlerai
pemikiran ak x pernah lupa

ak insan yg punye sekeping hati
hati yg tidak boleh dbahagi kpd pecahan-pecahan lain..
hati sntiasa merasai apa itu hidup..
hati yg sentiasa menagih kasih syg..

hati yg ak miliki ini adalah biasa sahaja..
same spt org lain..
warna merah pekat
yg sentiasa mengalirkn darah merah

ak da xtaw nk karang ape..
tetibe xde idea lak..
naty bile ade idea,
ak smbung balik...


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